On 28st and 29nd October 2018 the technical training course for the Sinergy Cosmetics coaches was held on the Biopermanent and Byokróme Pure Pigments

The technical training course for Sinergy coaches on Biopermanent, and Byokróme, was held at the Sinergy Cosmetics Academy on 28 and 29 October.
Know the product in its structure, its uses and interactions, to create jobs that make customers happy, applying work techniques of sure success, and give a contemporary performance. As always, respecting health as much as possible, rather protecting it and taking care of it.Seeing our family grow so fast and with great passion and unity is a reason for great pride! Full speed ahead! next step >> 4/5 November with B.iO “organic life style”!
Know the product in its structure, its uses and interactions, to create jobs that make customers happy, applying work techniques of sure success, and give a contemporary performance. As always, respecting health as much as possible, rather protecting it and taking care of it.Seeing our family grow so fast and with great passion and unity is a reason for great pride! Full speed ahead! next step >> 4/5 November with B.iO “organic life style”!